It's The Little Things That Matter

There is a place we used to go from time to time on weekends to have a drink and watch a football or baseball game. It was fairly quiet and he could enjoy his cigar. While there we would frequently see another couple. When they arrived he would help her remove her coat and lay it across the back of a chair. Then he would pull out a chair so she could sit before going to get their drinks. After enjoying their beverages and each other's company for a while the routine would be reversed, and he would pull out her chair and then hold her coat so she could put it back on. I would observe this gentle dance between them each time and it would bring a smile to my face. Finally my boyfriend asked what I was smiling about, and I told him that this gentleman had it figured out. He wondered what I meant so I let him know that this man realized that these small things would go much further than some grand gesture. It seems that men are always trying to figure out what women w...