Acts of Kindness

Acts of kindness - sometimes it's as if our guardian angels or spirit guides send someone to graciously do a good deed just when we need it. On those days when we feel down or ready to give up on the world. Perhaps these random acts are not so random.

Yesterday I decided to treat myself to a peppermint mocha iced coffee. After placing my order at the window, I drove around to find that the woman in front of me had paid for my order. What a wonderful surprise! It brightened my morning and made the coffee a double treat. Her act of kindness prompted me to do the same for someone else, and it felt good.

We all get deeply involved in our lives and limited circles, which can make us forget how a simple thing done for someone else can mean so much. It doesn't even have to cost us anything but a few moments of our time. A small gesture as we encounter others throughout our day:
  • Opening the door for someone.
  • Carrying a grocery bag to their car.
  • Saying hello with a big smile.
  • Asking someone how they are and actually listening to their reply.
  • Offering to bring a co-worker a cup of coffee.
  • Giving your child or spouse a card or note just to say I love you.

And then their are things we can do that can help others in bigger ways:
  • Donate items to a homeless shelter.
  • Serve on a regular basis at a soup kitchen.
  • Spend time visiting at a senior center.
  • Volunteer to help at a Veterans hospital.
  • Help out at children's homes - be a big brother or sister.

We also need to get our children involved so they learn that they are part of something bigger than themselves. If they are raised to do good deeds then they will teach their children, and so it will continue for generations. What they will learn from this is that it's a blessing to do for someone else.

There are so many ways that we can contribute in our communities and do good things. Perhaps if we all just take one simple step and encourage others to pay it forward, we will all reap the rewards.


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