Priorities or Spending Money Wisely

It's not easy today to find work that pays well, which makes it difficult to provide for your family. This is a sad but true fact, and my heart goes out to young families as they struggle every day.

However, I also see that too many are not good at prioritizing, or distinguishing between a need and a want. All you have to do is look around and you can see how money is wasted on things that are not needed to live a good life.

Driving to work in the morning I am surprised at two things; the expensive new vehicles people feel they need to have, and the number of vanity plates I see. These high priced vehicles strap people with a monthly payment that could feed a family of four. As far as the vanity plates, not only do you pay more for these, but I'm beginning to think people are having an identity crisis. I have never understood why you would want to label yourself, unless you are starved for attention.

Grocery shopping is another area where too much money is spent. People are buying processed foods which are not a healthy way to eat, or cost effective. Or they eat several meals a week at fast food restaurants and I know that this option has become quite expensive. I'm not sure what happened to making a list for your weekly meals and shopping from that list. You certainly have better control of what you are spending for food.

Next is our technology. The tech industry has convinced us that we just can't live without the absolute latest smart phone, tablet or computer. Not true - there are options available that won't take the clothes off your children's back, and work just fine. The average person is not using this technology to make a living. Plus I really don't think children under 14 have the need for a phone.

And then there is clothing. Families are going into debt to make sure their children wear the latest styles. Most of it is too expensive, cheaply made, and often times not appropriate for young kids. Not every child should look like they are ready for the stage and screen.

I will openly admit when I was younger I desired shiny new things, and thought I should have them. After all that is what advertisers will tell you, and at a young age you believe it. However, with age has come wisdom. The reality is our needs are few, and we would do our children justice by teaching them this.

Basically it comes down to this; our needs are food, clothing and shelter. If people take stock of how their money is being spent they will find many places where they can make adjustments. Prioritize and give your family what they need, and not everything they want.


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