If Only It Could Be Like When They Were Small

As a mother, no matter how old our children are, we want to fix all their hurt, heartache and struggle. Even though we know it is not possible, it doesn't stop us from trying.

When they were young it was easy to make things better. As infants their needs were simple. If they were fed, dry and cuddled then they were content and happy. And if they were sick we held them close and did what we could to make them comfortable.

When they are toddlers they think we know everything, and as far as their curiosity and needs are concerned we do. If they fall, get a cut or pinch a finger we can hold them as they cry, and kiss the hurt away. They look to us to answer all their questions, and never doubt what we say.

As they enter school a whole new set of issues enter their world. Sometimes they are picked on for no apparent reason and the hurt cuts deep for them. This is when fixing things starts to become more difficult. I tried to teach them that someone who is mean can be that way because their life at home may not be good. Also, if they did their best to ignore it then in time it would stop. This didn't make the hurt go away, but I always hoped it would help. Silently my heart ached for them.

Then came the first loves and broken hearts. No matter how many times I would tell them it was the other person's loss, they were better off, and they were beautiful it didn't matter. I was not the one they needed approval from. None of what I said could heal their broken heart, and in turn my heart was broken for them. In time they learned that this too shall pass, and life does go on.

Even as they have become adults, I still wish I could fix the hardships and heartaches they have encountered, and will continue to encounter along the way. Unfortunately I cannot. No amount of holding them will change what they are going through. I can't kiss the hurt away anymore, but this mother's heart will always wish that she could

If only they could be little once again and believe that mom can fix everything. If only I had the ability to do so.


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