A Very Good Day

This is the second year that we have had an early Christmas with my children and grandchildren at my Mother's house. As everyone knows it is very difficult to get all of our loved ones together on Christmas day. This special gathering makes for a relaxed day and starts Christmas off early for all of us.

My grandchildren are 6, 8 and 13 and all of them are very excited about getting gifts early. It's fun to watch them as they open presents, and to see the joy on their faces as they discover what's inside the wrapping paper. It sometimes surprises me when they tell me what is on their wish lists. This year it included everything from clothing to new bedding, and games for the PS4. Of course the games were for my 13 year old grandson. The girls were so happy with the new pajama's they got from Great Grammie that they had to put them on.

After opening gifts we have a very casual lunch where nobody has to spend hours fixing a meal. Today was locally prepared pizza with chips and fresh veggies. For dessert ice cream in a waffle cone bowl with toppings, and frosted sugar cookies. Easy to put out and easy to clean up, with plenty of time to enjoy each other's company. My girls really enjoy this time with their grandmother, and I have the best of both worlds.

While we spend time visiting the kids play outside, or take turns driving each other crazy as kids do. They do know how to push each other's buttons. The noise gets a bit loud at times but as long as they are having fun and laughing things are good. I have always believed they need to run around and burn up energy - not sit and watch TV or play video games all the time.

In a perfect world we would all be together on Christmas. Since it is not possible, I am thankful for this special time. It's far better to have an early Christmas than not being able to see them during this holiday season.

This was a very good day, and I am truly a blessed woman.


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