Clear It Out and Clear the Mind

One thing has become increasingly clear to me, and that is the need to sort through what we have gathered over the years. There are two reasons to embark on this endeavor: one, we don't want to leave a mess behind for our loved ones, and two, it leaves us with a great sense of accomplishment lifting a weight off our shoulders.

I have always found it interesting how much we "save" thinking we will use it again, or that one of our children will want it when we are gone. The reality is we will never use it, and more than likely will forget we have it. And as I have been told by my children, they do not want our things. They do not hold the sentimental value we thought they did.

Every couple of years I start the whole process of cleaning out closets and cupboards. The closets are full of clothes that I saved the last cleaning, and they still have not been worn. It is not that they do not fit, but they are things that are no longer suited to the stage of life I am in. As I get older, I find that classic and comfortable wins out over the latest fad. This time I will be honest with myself and remove anything that has not been worn in the last full year. Clothing is one thing that family will be inclined to take.

The kitchen cupboards are no different. Several years ago, I cleared out many things and gave them away. It seemed at the time that the only things left were necessary. Recently I started to tackle this chore once again. Only halfway through the job at this point, and I have taken out enough items to start a small store. What I am finding, is that our children and other family members are not interested in most of it. 

These projects have a tendency to hang over our heads as we procrastinate over and over. They may seem a bit overwhelming, or we tell ourselves that we just don't have the time. There always seems to be something better or more enjoyable we can do. There is a lot of truth in that, but the weight of these things can hang heavily over us until we deal with them.

Once everything has been sorted and things kept are put back in place, the rest will be offered to family. The truth of the matter is most of it will remain untaken. I will then take what is left, and on a nice warm day I will set it out on a table with a sign that says "Free". With any luck, the table will be empty by the end of the day.

One thing I do know, when the projects are done, and all of the things have left our home, my mind will be clear of the chaos.



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