Being Kind Brings Rewards

We all are born with the great gift,
of spreading kindness through our day.
Early on it comes with great ease,
no thought required to pass it on.

As children we have a pure heart,
that only sees the best in those we meet.
We chatter, smile and share goodwill,
never conceiving of an unkind world.

Life brings to us many twists and turns,
some that can scar our innocent soul.
Our kindness that once came easily,
now at times is a struggle to bring forth.

There are days we are faced with troubles,
where our kindness sits deep in the shadows.
Hard as we try to rise up and do good deeds,
our heart seems to remain rooted in sorrow.

Perhaps the hard days we should dig deeper,
to push through what is holding us back.
Any kindness we find to share with others,
will bring riches we could never foresee.

Make time each day to spread a little kindness,
to those whose lives seem filled with worry.
A day will come when the tables are turned,
and their kindness will come back to you.

It really is a very simple thing,
that takes only a moment or two.
Sharing kindness, you will soon see,
brings many rewards to your soul.


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