
Showing posts from 2024

2025 - Will This Be the Year?

With the beginning of a New Year right around the corner, I find myself thinking about what it may bring. Will 2025 be the year that is the dawn of a bright new world, or are we going to endure and accept more of the same? It is almost inconceivable that as members of the human race we are not striving for a better world. We may be from different countries, but the majority of us all want the same things, a good life for our families, prosperity and peace. This can be achieved if we are willing to work together and stand up to those who continuously strive to keep the status quo. The leaders of the world know that if they continue to bully, spreading hatred and negativity, then their citizens will be divided. These same leaders will use the old ā€œsmoke and mirrorsā€ method of hiding what they are doing by putting the spotlight on something else. In the midst of this, all their citizens' energies will be focused on fighting against one another, and they will be blind to the fact that ...

Appetizers for a Special Occasion - Tortellini Wreath with Pesto Dip

There are many events we will attend during the holiday season. There are the traditional appetizers that we see when we attend, but I always like to find something new and different to surprise people with. I came across this recipe a while back and it has been a big hit wherever I go. Hope that you and your guests, or host, will find it a welcome change from the usual. Tortellini Wreath with Pesto Dip   2 - 9 ounce refrigerated tortellini (such as cheese & garlic, Portobello mushroom, chicken and herb, spinach and cheese) 1 - 8 ounce tub Cream Cheese Spread 1 - 7 ounce jar basil pesto 1 teaspoon lemon juice green and red pepper strips - for garnish Kalamata olives - for garnish   1. Add tortellini to 1-gallon boiling water in large saucepan; cook approximately 4 minutes (al dente). You will want them firm for dipping. Drain, rinse with cold water, then drain again.   2. Mix cream cheese spread, pesto and lemon juice until well blended. Spoon into small ser...

Merry Christmas To All and To All a Good Night

 "Twas The Night Before Christmas," was written in the early 19th century, and is one of the oldest and most popular Christmas poems. There is a dispute over the author, and the poem has been attributed to both Clement Clarke Moore and Henry Livingston, Jr. over the years. It was first published on December 23, 1823, in the  Troy Sentinel  newspaper in upstate New York. It is also referred to as "A Visit from St. Nicholas" or "The Night Before Christmas." Today I want to share with you the original lyrics to the poem. Hope you will enjoy sharing this with your children and grandchildren. 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro' the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,  In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there; The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar plums danc'd in their heads,  And Mama in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,  Had j...

Before You Cast a Stone of Hate

Every day there is more and more hatred being spread in countries around the world. As an adult, it creates anxiety in my life; I can only imagine how stressful it is for children. Children do not come into the world knowing hatred - it is taught. There are two kinds of parents; the ones who contribute by teaching hate, or the ones who spend a lot of time trying to shelter their children from it and teaching them why it is wrong. I often wonder if those talking the loudest ever stop and think before they spread hatred and fear. Do they ever think about the impact on their families, friends and neighbors, or how this hatred they hang on to keeps them in a cloud of negativity? Do they really believe that people from a different ethnic group or religion than their own should be hated? Is a world where everyone is exactly the same, with the same beliefs, a world worth living in? I would like to challenge everyone to take a close look at who they are and where they come from. The truth is w...

Becoming Obsolete

Obsolete: no longer in use or no longer useful. No longer used because something newer exists. Everyday advances in technology help to create something "better" to replace what we have. Each new model does more than the previous one, and they tell us it will make life easier. In some ways it can, however, many times these advancements lead to humans losing one more skill in their intellectual toolbox. Each skill lost will not be passed on to the next generation; skills that will become obsolete and not useful anymore. Since I was a child there are many things that have become obsolete. A few that come to mind: Manual Typewriter Manual Cash Register Rotary Dial Telephone Slide Projectors 8 Track Tape Deck VHS Player Pagers I'm not saying the "newer" models aren't better, but with each thing we no longer have use for, we also lose the skills and knowledge required to use them. Think of how many young people you know that can't count back change from a purc...

Coffee and Dessert - Custard Pie

Every now and then we enjoy a custard pie. When the desire to have one strikes, I always go to my Betty Crocker cookbook for a simple old-fashioned recipe. Made with just a few ingredients and nutmeg, it is a delicious blend of vanilla and spice.  The challenging part is getting your custard filling to set correctly. If you overcook the eggy mixture, you end up with scrambled eggs. Undercook it and youā€™ve got a soupy mess to deal with. But Betty Crocker has it all figured out. Instead of cooking the custard filling on the stovetop, this recipe allows it to set in the oven. This traditional technique dates back to medieval times and guarantees a smooth and rich custard filling every time.   Top it off with some fresh berries or whipped cream and enjoy! Custard Pie Pastry for 9-inch One-Crust Pie (you can make your own or use a ready to bake crust)  4 eggs 2/3 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 2-2/3 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Heat oven to 450ā„‰. Prepare...

When Do You Take Choice Away?

There is no good choice, when it comes to taking choice away from a loved one. I cannot think of anyone who wants to make that decision. Free will to make our own decisions is something that we hold on to, even when we may know we have come to the point where we need help.  Family members that are caregivers sometimes feel as if they are walking on a tightrope. They want to allow their spouse, significant other, or parent to make decisions for as long as possible. It is not natural to treat them as if they are a child who cannot make decisions. We want to believe that nothing is wrong, that they are the same person we have known for many years. The changes sometimes happen very slowly which makes it difficult to see that they are losing the ability to make decisions. We may brush it off for a while, but eventually, it becomes crystal clear that they need our assistance in ways they never did in the past. It can be a simple thing such as mathematical tasks or spelling, remembering a...


It is likely that more than any other time in history, people are fleeing their countries and immigrating. Leaving their lifelong homes with little more than the clothes on their backs, they pray that another country will welcome them and provide a safe harbor. Many of these people walk hundreds, or even thousands of miles, with their children at their side. Sometimes they may go for days without food to eat. Even as they reach exhaustion, they continue their journey. The leaders in many countries have chosen to politicize the immigration issue. They try to frighten their citizens with lies, claiming many of these immigrants are drug dealers and murderers, the worst element from other countries. They want you to fear immigrants in order to push their own political agenda; if you listen to them their words are void of any compassion and filled with hatred. Immigration is a worldwide issue; people flow across borders, and most countries are not equipped to handle the large numbers. Even ...

What's for Dinner Tonight? - Spicy Moroccan Chicken Soup

For those who enjoy Moroccan-style food, you will love this chicken soup. Not only is it delicious, but it's also healthy. Out of the pages of  Weight Watchers All-Time Favorites,  it is quick and easy to prepare - ready in about 30 minutes. Bon Appetit!  Spicy Moroccan Chicken Soup   1 - 32 ounce reduced-sodium chicken broth 1 - 15-1/2 ounce can chickpeas, rinsed and drained 1 - 14-1/2 ounce can diced tomatoes with roasted garlic 1 - 6-ounce bag shredded carrots 1 teaspoon curry 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon cayenne 2 cups cubed cooked chicken breast 1 - 6-ounce bag baby arugula 1/2 cup couscous   1. Combine the broth, chickpeas, tomatoes, carrots, curry powder, cinnamon and cayenne in a large saucepan; bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat and simmer, covered, until the carrots are tender, about 2 minutes. Add the chicken and cook until heated through, about 1minute.   2. Stir in the arugula and couscous. Remove the saucepa...

Lift Your Spirits and Enjoy the Season

Gray November has come and gone, and December is at our door. In spite of colder temperatures, the brighter days will lift us up. Forget anything weighing you down, let it all go for as long as you can. Much of it may work itself out, or will be there for another day. Time has come to trim the tree, and decorate throughout the house. Candles lit up in late day windows, are sure to please those passing by. Prepare a few festive Christmas cards, to send and brighten someone's day. You will find the joy you send out, will come back to you two-fold. Take out your favorite holiday recipes, to bake sweet, delicious treats for all. Turn on the carols and sing along, as your hands are mixing up love. Spend some time with family and friends, sharing joy and laughter and love. Let the time together lift your spirits, and enjoy the season as much as you can.

Give Us a Chance to Breathe

It was bad enough that we had to endure months of non-stop political ads. Not sure how things were in your state, but NH literally had nothing but political ads, one after the other, each one worse than the last. Once the polls closed the ads finally ceased, and I was hoping for a brief respite before the holiday ads began. I could not have been more wrong. BAM!! Before we even had time to breathe the first Christmas ad was aired. Commercials may be necessary in order for networks to air programs, but sometimes they seem to take up more time than the show. It appears that retailers can't find enough ridiculous ads to bombard us with in an attempt to have us spend money we don't have. Trying to convince everyone that their family and friends need the latest toy, gadget, fashions or technological breakthrough. And who, may I ask, are the people out buying someone a new car for Christmas? Must have far more money than I do. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, but not because...

Simply Sides - Corn Bread Casserole

My sister has made this casserole at Thanksgiving for many years. It is creamy and delicious and has been a big hit with the entire family. This dish is very easy and is not only great for your holiday meal, but also for weeknight dinners. Corn Bread Casserole 1 can creamed corn 1 can whole kernel corn ( undrained ) 8 ounces sour cream 1/2 stick (1/4 cup) melted butter 1 box Jiffy corn bread mix Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Grease a 1-1/2 quart casserole dish. 1. Mix all ingredients and pour into the prepared dish. 2. Bake at 325F for one hour. Enjoy!!

Who Would You Invite to Your Dinner Table?

With the Thanksgiving holiday around the corner, I felt it was a good time for all of us to contemplate who we would like at our Thanksgiving dinner table if we were given the opportunity. There are so many people who have impacted our world in positive ways, so I ask the question, who would you invite to your dinner table? Events over the last several years have recently had me reflecting on history, and the people who have come and gone leaving a major impact. In the midst of these thoughts one question came to mind; if I could invite anyone to my dinner table, who would it be? The answer was not quite as simple as one might think. As I started to compile my list, I found they would be a multi-faceted and diverse group, and the table would need to be quite large to accommodate them all. The people I have listed below is a small sampling of who I wish I could have the opportunity to talk with. They are religious figures, Native American leaders, Presidents, First Ladies, Civil Rights ...

The Fading Call of the Loons

November has arrived, and with it come the gray clouds hinting of what's to come. It has never been my favorite time of year, and I often struggle to remain in an upbeat frame of mind. It takes a bit more energy to push through the gloomy days. Another reason November seems this way is because I know my loons will be departing before long. I have enjoyed listening to their repertoire of calls from spring to fall; imagining all the while what they might be telling one another. Such a beautiful, haunting sound that speaks to my soul. I will miss this very much. While visiting with a very dear friend, she questioned if I had seen a difference in the color of the loons as the seasons changed. I told her that they were very drab looking the further into fall we progressed. She read an article in a local publication about the loons which made her think of me, so she generously shared it with me. Although I have always loved the loons that return to our lake each year, I had not given muc...

Simply Sides - Melting Potatoes (Fondant Potatoes)

In the UK they are known as Fondant Potatoes, and in the US, they are hardly known at all. They are buttery, crispy on the outside, creamy in the middle and worth a try. These are the most delicious potatoes I have had in a long time! They would certainly be a great addition to any of your holiday gatherings. Enjoy! Melting Potatoes (Fondant Potatoes) 3 pounds Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 1 tablespoon minced fresh thyme 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1-1/2 cups chicken broth 2 garlic cloves, lightly crushed and peeled Note: Use potatoes at least 1-1/2 inches in diameter. DO NOT  use a glass baking dish. Adjust rack to upper-middle position. Preheat your oven to 500Ā°F (260Ā°C). Square off ends of potatoes and cut crosswise into 1-inch-thick disks. Toss them with melted butter, thyme, salt, and pepper. Arrange the potatoes in a single layer in a baking pan and roast until the bottoms are browned, about 15 minutes. Remove pan from oven and usin...


"Take patriotism away, and the nation's soul has fled." ~ Edward Mark Deems We all know people who believe flying or displaying the American flag makes them a patriot; that this symbolic gesture is proof of their patriotism. Then others will bellow and boast of their love of country and patriotism, but what their words are truly exhibiting is prejudice, conceit and hatred.  Yes, true patriots fly the American flag. However, the flag does not belong to one person or group, and it certainly does not belong to a political party. It represents the freedom, dignity, and true meaning of being an American, and it belongs to all of us. Having pride in our country is commendable, but true patriotism is recognizing that your welfare is deeply intertwined with the general welfare of your fellow countrymen. If you are to prosper, then everyone else must also prosper. In difficult times it is more important than ever to come together. Standing alone while spouting about your rights an...

Last Dance of Fall

Of all the seasons in New England, fall is my favorite. The warm days and cool nights of early fall breathe life into my soul and energize me. The beauty of mid fall when the leaves put on a breathtaking display of red, orange and gold is a vision unlike any other. Then late fall arrives when the days and nights get cooler, the leaves fall from the trees and November arrives. November, one of my least favorite months (with March being the other); gray days with little sunshine to warm our bones and brighten our spirits. If it were not for Thanksgiving at the end of the month, and Christmas in December, it might be extremely difficult to get through the darkness. November can bring gloomy moods if we allow it to, so I try to find some fun and enjoyment even on these days. When my oldest daughter was around two, we happened to be looking out on a cool, gray November day. The wind was blowing hard, and the leaves were falling from the trees. As I stood staring...

Coffee and Dessert - Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes

From Jill Mills at , these pumpkin pie cupcakes have the delicious flavor of a pumpkin pie, and a similar texture. They only take a short time to prepare, and about 20 minutes baking time. Once they are cooled and chilled, just top with whipped cream and enjoy! The only problem you might have, is not eating too many at one sitting.  Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes 1 - 15 oz. can of pure pumpkin puree 3/4 cup granulated sugar 2 large eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3/4 cup evaporated milk 2/3 cup all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon baking powder whipped cream for topping Preheat oven to 350 degrees F, and line a muffin pan with cupcake liners. In a large bowl, combine pumpkin puree, sugar, eggs, vanilla extract, and evaporated milk and whisk until smooth. In a separate medium bowl, combine flour, pumpkin pie spice, salt, baking soda, and baking powder and whisk until combined.  Pour dry mixture i...


We all have friends. Some come into our lives for a while and then slowly fade away. I have always believed that they come into our lives for a reason, and once the need has been fulfilled, they are gone. Either we needed them during that time, or they needed us. Either way, it was a good thing for both. Then there are the friends that come into our lives and are with us forever - through good times and through bad. The connection we make with them just feels right from the moment we meet. These lifelong friends are truly a blessing. I am very fortunate to have some amazing lifelong friends. Whether we see each other often or only occasionally, we are able to pick up where we left off. From the moment we say hello the conversation flows easily and feels like the warmth of a hug. If things are going great, we share in the joy, and if things are rough, we lift each other up. We listen or give advice depending on what is needed. We laugh together as we share humorous stories from...

It Is Not Always That Easy

The sun has risen on a brand-new day, and what is it all the cheery people say? Put on a smile, turn that frown upside-down, and everything is sure to go your way. Sometimes these words give us a good start, and our happy heart begins the new day. We move through the morning with ease, hoping this sunshine mood will remain. The trials and tribulations we live with, most days are handled with little effort. But every now and then we will falter, and the weariness and sadness move in. We know not the stress others may have, that put brick walls up in their way. Hard as they may try to knock them down, They will end up feeling defeated again. Everyone has their burdens to bear, there is nobody immune from hard times. For those fortunate to carry a lighter load, have compassion for those with heavier weight. The words of others that we read each day, preaching how to live a light filled life. Think positive advice, even well intentioned, can make others feel like a failure again.  Ther...

Beware of Ulterior Motives

Propaganda - In formation, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. Propaganda can be true, but most of the time is false, and is used to push a personal agenda. During World War I the use of propaganda emerged as modern media outlets were on the rise, and was refined into an art. The sole purpose was to spread misinformation and rumors for political purpose. There are seven techniques used to spread propaganda: Name Calling: Using negative or discriminatory words to arouse suspicion and prejudice. To create the dislike of a group of people they attack their beliefs, leaders and religion. Glittering Generalities: Making generalized statements using slogans or catchphrases. Usually, they involve the ideas of love, honor, glory, family values, freedom or patriotism that will inspire pride. The statements say very little so they cannot be proved or disproved. Transfer: Using a revered symbol to promote the pro...

What's for Dinner Tonight? - Fall off the Bone Slow Cooker Short Ribs

From Alyssa Rivers at , these fall-off-the-bone slow cooker short ribs are a hearty and savory meal. It is a great way to cook tender, juicy beef and fork-tender carrots immersed in a delicious sauce. Serve with a side of mashed potatoes, mashed cauliflower, or your favorite rice. You can serve the meat and sauce on top of the sides to help soak up all the savory flavor.  I substituted a pot roast in place of the short ribs, and it was great! Fall Off the Bone Slow Cooker Short Ribs Prep Time:10minutes minutes Cook Time:8hours hours Total Time:8hours hours 10minutes minutes Servings:6 People 8-10 beef short ribs salt and pepper 1 tablespoon olive oil 5 large carrots sliced 1 cup beef broth 3 cloves garlic minced 1/4 cup tomato paste 1 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce 1 Tablespoon Italian Seasoning Salt and pepper the beef short ribs. Heat a large skillet with the olive oil over medium high heat. Add the short ribs and sear each side for 1-2 m...

The Urge to Run Away

When we are faced with circumstances that we never expected in life they can come at us like a freight train. We may feel like the wind has been knocked out of us, and also saddened by what will never be again. In the midst of it all we try to make sense of what lies ahead and gather the strength to move forward, as it is in moving forward that we will once again see all in our life that is good. Below is a blog I wrote a few years ago that I stumbled upon today. It appeared at the right moment and is a reminder that sometimes we need to step back and remember that strength and courage always come when we need them to show us how fortunate we are. We all have those moments in our lives where we feel overwhelmed or just plain tired. In these moments there can be an urge to run away from it all. Where another place or life seems appealing. We wouldn't be human if we didn't. During times of struggle, it's easy to look at someone else and think their life is more exciting or le...

Seville, Spain - Hola and AdiĆ³s

The last two days of vacation would be in Seville, Spain. Our Airbnb was a beautiful apartment a short distance from the historic center of Seville and was along the section of the Walls of Seville known as the Macarena Wall. The Walls of Seville are a series of defensive walls that surround the Old Town of Seville. The city has been surrounded by walls since the Roman period, and they were maintained and modified throughout the successive Visigoth, Islamic and finally Castilian periods. The walls remained intact until the 19th century. At that time, they were partially demolished after the revolution of 1868. Some parts of the walls still exist, especially around the AlcĆ”zar of Seville and some curtain walls in the barrio de la Macarena. On our one full day in Seville, we drove into the historic center to explore. After a wonderful breakfast at a sidewalk restaurant, we walked to the Seville Cathedral for a tour. The Catedral de Santa MarĆ­a de la Sede, better known as Seville Cath...

Breakfast Bread - Savory Zucchini Bread

Zucchini, zucchini, zucchini - so much zucchini and what to do with it all? After making several types of sweet zucchini bread, I decided to look for something that had a savory flavor. This recipe comes from Erin at . It has an abundance of flavor from the chives, zucchini and cheddar cheese, and can be ready in a little over an hour.  Savory Zucchini Bread 2-1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 cup almond milk (or milk of your choice) 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted (I used grapeseed oil) 3 tablespoons chives, chopped 1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese 1-1/4 cups zucchini, shredded Preheat oven to 350ā„‰. If using coconut oil, melt and set aside. Wait for oil to come to room temperature before using it. Combine flour, baking soda, salt, and garlic powder in a bowl. Then, add eggs, milk, oil and chives and stir until combined. Last, stir in the cheese and grated zucchini. Grease a loaf pan with coconut oil or...

El Puerto De Santa Maria, Spain

After two weeks of traveling through Italy, and spending precious time with family, we would be taking the last week to relax and see a bit of Spain. Warm, breezy and beautiful, El Puerto De Santa Maria would a wonderful place to spend some time alone. On our way to El Puerto De Santa Maria, I was quite taken with the countryside along the highway. Field after field of Sunflowers were a beautiful sight. Some not yet blossoming, others in full bloom and now and then fields of flowers fading away. Colorful flowering bushes separated the north and south lanes of the highway which made for a calm and peaceful ride. Our Airbnb had a wonderful outdoor patio with a view of the coast, and we spent many hours relaxing and enjoying the view. There was a pool at the complex and we were surprised how cool the water was considering the hot temperatures (90 and above) in Spain. We were within walking distance to the main street along the waterway and took some time to explore a bit and enjoy some gr...