Ever Had One of Those Days?

Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up in a bad mood, and you just don't know why? A mood that you can't seem to shake right away no matter how hard you try?

I often wonder what has gone on in my mind overnight to cause such a reaction upon waking up. There is the possibility of a disturbing dream that I cannot remember, or maybe a restless night where my sleep was not the deep sleep one needs to wake refreshed. And it could be something weighing on my mind that I know I cannot change. I do know that these mornings are not good for me, or anyone else I encounter in the first few hours. Although I do try very hard to remain silent and not pass it on to those around me.

At times like these my course of action is to take some time to sit quietly, or go to my treadmill if it is really dragging me down. There I remind myself of all the good things in my life. That there is nothing that cannot be overcome with the right attitude and a plan of action.

I do know that if you move forward instead of staying stuck in the moment, then the mood will eventually pass. Of course I also try to remember words that a dear friend shared with me many years ago - sometimes it is best to "bless it, release it, and let it go".  Amazing how those few words, repeated several times, can make all the difference in the world.


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