Places I'd Rather Be

I remember turning 50 just a few short years ago, or so it seems. The reality is I have gone beyond 60 at this point, and what I am doing is truly not what I would like to be. 

Each morning as I’m aware of the need to prepare for work, I find myself involved in other tasks. Procrastinating, which is something I never used to do. The truth of the matter is there are a million other places I’d rather be than work, and so many projects or adventures I’d rather do. I have worked for over 45 years, and I am ready to shake things up a bit. A few of the things I would do if my time were my own: 
  • Take more time with my boyfriend.
  • See my children and grandchildren more.
  • Have more time with my mother and siblings.
  • Meet up with close friends that I have not seen in months or years and have lunch.
  • Reconnect with relatives.
  • Work in my flower bed or vegetable garden – great therapy for the mind and soul.
  • Wander where the road leads me to take pictures of Mother Nature.
  • Write the book I started that has been on the back burner for a while.
  • Tackle projects around the house I never have time for.
  • Take a vacation or even day trips to places we haven’t been.
  • Go see a movie in the middle of a rainy day.
  • Spend a day every so often reading books I have not had the time to read.
  • Take time to help others when they need a hand.
  • And perhaps do nothing buy enjoy a beautiful day.
When the time comes that I am able to jump in and start doing some of these things, there will most likely be many more on the list. I have always said that when retirement comes I can’t imagine being bored. There are an endless number of adventures we can embark on if we have the time – we just have to open our eyes, our heart, and our mind to the possibilities.


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