Trapped Only by Our Own Limitations

Recently I had a conversation with a very dear friend.  Asking how she was, I could tell in her voice that it may not be one of her best days. And when she asked me the same question, I commented that overall I was good, but did have bad days from time to time. We are both looking for work at a time in our lives that we never expected to be.

Being in a rut, feeling down, unable to move forward. We have all been there and know how difficult it can be to change that environment. Sometimes we stay there because we think we don't have what it takes to move away from it. Other times our procrastinating allows us to remain where we are and not make changes. We can tell ourselves that we have not completed whatever it is we intended to, so we can't go any further until we do. That way we don't have to move forward for one more day.

It's easy to become overwhelmed by the tasks we have piled on our to do list, or by events in our life beyond our control. When this happens you can get to the point where you don't want to talk to anyone, or you may fall into one of those bad days. Neither of these is a good place to be. And isolating yourself only contributes to those negative feelings.

 I have learned over the years that we are usually our own worst enemy. If we allow ourselves to go down the "rabbit hole" and start feeling down, it only becomes harder to move in a positive direction. Even if a task remains undone there is always another day to complete it. We can't place limitations on ourselves that trap us to the point of immobilization. Giving yourself permission to ignore the rigid task laden routine, and to do something fun and enjoyable, can change how your life moves forward from that point.

Don't get trapped by your own limitations. Allow yourself the freedom to play and let go from time to time. You may be surprised by the amazing things that can happen when you do.


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