Teaching Our Children and Giving Encouragement

With the world we live in today, it is imperative we teach our children what is truly important. It is not what they wear or whether or not they have the latest technology. These are just things that will not bring them to a place of self-fulfillment as they become adults. Who they are and what they give back will say so much more, and give them the inner peace and self-respect they should have.

The first thing we need to do for our children is to tell them every day that they are loved. Let them know they are an important part of the family, and that we will ensure they are protected and safe. If we fail here, then we will destroy their self esteem and lose them as they grow into their teen years. I recently heard a presentation where the speaker made a statement that hit home. Basically, if we do not love our children and make them feel part of the family unit, then there are others who will...drug dealers, gangs, child molesters. That is how they bring children in - by making them a part of their "family". Pretty frightening, but very true.

We need to value education and tell them how important it is, and encourage them to learn everything they possibly can. With knowledge they can accomplish anything they set their mind to. If they learn this early on then it will become a part of everyday life.

They need to understand that in order to have things in life, you have to work hard. Nothing worth having comes easily, but as my boyfriend says..."you can eat an elephant one bite at a time". This hard work will also ensure that they can provide for themselves and their family when they become adults.

Honesty really is the best policy. If you want to be trusted then you need to be honest with others. If you are trusted then you will have the respect and friendship of many.

Teach them to have pride in their country, and to respect the men and women who serve every day to ensure we have our rights and freedom. Teach them to defend their country against those who show disrespect. We need to build our country up - not break it down.

Giving back to the community - very important! Children need to understand they are part of a community and that it is up to all of us to give back. If we do this then we will ensure our community is a positive safe place to be.

Have compassion and try not to judge too harshly. Children need to see us embrace this to learn how to do so themselves. It is easy to judge others - we have all done so. With age I have tried much harder to think before I judge. If we do not know what someone else has endured.....whether it be financial hardships, heath issues, losses...then how can we judge where they are. As they say if you have not walked in their shoes.................

Simply stated, teach them to love their family and country, to learn much and work hard, to give back, and have a kind heart.


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