Learning to Disconnect

If you take a look around it is apparent that people are stressed to the limit today. It is difficult to work all day, take care of your children, try to spend some quality time with them and also keep your home in order. Having said that you will also notice that everyone is so connected to their cell phones, computers & televisions that they are not communicating with each other at all. Even children have their eyes fixed on a television or computer screen, or texting on a phone if they have one.  I see parents talking or texting on their phones, not even looking at or talking to their children. Is it any wonder that so many children have lost the art of basic social skills and communication? Or that the only way they can get their parents attention is to cry or throw a temper tantrum?

When my children were growing up they were not happy with me as I would not have any video games in the house and I limited the TV time and what they watched. At dinner we sat at the dinner table and talked to one another (no TV) and learned about each other's day. This was how I kept up with my children, their school day and who their friends were and what they were doing. I was a working mother so I had to make the best of the time I did have with my family. Not to say we always got along and we did have our bumps in the road, but at least we were communicating.

I try to tell my children (who are now mothers) that they need to disconnect if they want less stress. Just because they have the latest phone with Internet & Facebook does not mean that it always has to be on or that they always have to answer the latest text or call. If you are always "on" how can you ever learn to relax and enjoy the simple things in life.

How can you hear what your children are trying to say to you and what message do they get if they if they do not feel they are being listened to.  After all - your children only want your love and attention and they flourish if they have it.

So....I think we all need to do ourselves a favor and "disconnect" for at least part of every day. Take this time to talk to your family, learn what they are thinking and feeling, and making them feel loved and valued. It may be surprising what you learn, how much fun you have, the things you will see around you, and how much better you will feel.

Learning to disconnect - not easy but worth every minute you get!!


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