We Are Born with Pure Hearts and Minds

 A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. - Nelson Mandela

We do not come into this world with preconceived ideas about people or hatred in our hearts. From the moment we become aware of others our instinct is to connect to them with kindness and love.

We all know that prejudice and hatred are taught. What I do not know, is why anyone would want to take an innocent child and teach them to dislike/distrust others, and to treat them disrespectfully. What kind of life is this for a child? How can this behavior be of any benefit to them, or society, as they grow into adults?

If we watch children at play, it is very apparent which ones are being raised to be kind and accepting, and which children live in a household with intolerance and hatred. The first group welcomes others to join them, while the second group will belittle and bully pushing those unlike them away.

It can be easy to dislike a child who is mean to others, especially if it is directed at our children. We cannot tolerate it; however, as adults we need to stop and think about why they are behaving in this manner. Even as we teach our children how to protect themselves from the behavior of a bully, we also need to teach them why they are acting in this manner. I always told my children that they are this way because of what they live with at home. It may not make it easier when they are the target of this behavior, but it might give them some perspective.

It is our responsibility as adults to raise children to be kind and accepting of others, and to have compassion. This starts by nurturing their natural instincts to welcome other children into their circle of friends. These natural instincts should never be discouraged.

As we teach children to navigate in this uncertain world, the following words of wisdom may help guide them:

· Our human compassion binds us the one to the other-not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future. ~ Nelson Mandela

· Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.~ Mark Twain

· I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.~ Maya Angelou

· A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money. ~ John Ruskin

· Be kind to unkind people - they need it the most. ~ Ashliiegh Brilliant

· One who knows how to show and to accept kindness will be a friend better than any possession. ~ Sophocles. 24.

Of course, we need to keep in mind that the best way for children to learn is by watching us do the right things.


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