Teach Your Children to Look Beyond Themselves

  Self-Centered - concerned solely or chiefly with one's own interests, welfare, etc.; engrossed in self; selfish; egotistical. 

Although there are many kind, compassionate, and giving people in the world, all one needs to do is look around and they will quickly find a society that has become more self-centered than in the past. For some it is all about their own wants and needs; never thinking about those around them.

Over the years, in an effort to build up our children’s confidence, we may have failed in some ways by making them think that they are “special” compared to others; that it is all about them and their needs. We want to raise children who are confident in who they are, but not at the expense of thinking less of those who are different, or who don’t have as much.

If we want a peaceful and kinder society, we need to recognize it will be accomplished by the children of the world today; our time has passed, so we need to ensure they are educated and ready to take on this task.

To provide them with a successful “tool belt” for what they encounter on this journey, there are some basic skills they will need. These are just a few:

©     Selflessness – Having the ability to care more for what other people need and want, rather than for what you yourself need and want.

©     Kindness – The capacity to be generous, considerate, and to show concern for others without expecting praise or reward.

©     Giving – Teach them to give based on someone else’s needs without expectation of recognition, or anything in return.

©     Empathy – The ability to understand and share the feelings of another; to be able to place themselves in another’s position.

©     Compassion – Having the sensitivity to motivate them to go out of their way to help others with their physical, mental or emotional pains.

©     Sympathy – The ability to understand and react to the distress or need of another.

All of these skills will enable them to become adults who are capable of making a better world for all.

There has been enough self-centeredness; enough I, me, and mine attitude. We all deserve to live in a society where humans are kind and help one another.

If we teach our children, perhaps they will be the ones to finally make it happen.


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