Waiting for the Last Dance

 Such a short time ago we patiently waited
for spring's warmth to unthaw the ground.
The long cold days eventually surrendered,
to allow the dormant to awaken again.
As if overnight buds appeared on the trees,
giving hope of what was to come.
Green leaves sprouted, and their edges unfurled,
giving rise to the shade they would bring.

Warm summer days were upon us,
and we searched for a cool place to lie.
Those beautiful trees, leaves whispering with a breeze,
gave respite from the heat of the day.

What is this that appears before us?
Autumn has once again come to our door.
Those green leaves of summer we cherished,
have now turned to red, orange and gold.

The color of the leaves is a joy to behold,
and we wish it would last forever.
Sun shining through the branches make a brilliant display
and we thank God for the gift he bestows.

Soon the leaves will turn to brown, 
and be pulled from the branches by cool winds.
As they are tossed through the air 
they will appear to be dancers floating across the floor.

There is beauty in this bleak in between time,
if we just use our imaginations.
With music in our hearts, we will feel great joy
as we watch the last dance of fall.


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