Bless It, Release It, and Let It Go

April 15th, bright sunshine, and a cool breeze. As I look out over the lake there are small waves rolling across the top from the spring wind. The sun is sparkling on the water like diamonds, and it is mesmerizing.

After a few gray days with off and on rain, we are fortunate to have beautiful blue skies and bright sun shining down on us today. It has been too long since our skin has felt the warmth from the sun, and it is a wonderful gift.

Although I am fortunate to wake up each day and look out over the lake, there are some days where its healing properties have a much bigger impact in my life. Not that I ever take it for granted, but Mother Nature has a way of knowing when her assistance is needed.

When we have troublesome times, it can be easy to shut ourselves in and shut off the outside world. Unfortunately, when we choose to do this, it has the ability to drain us of any energy we might have.
The more tired we feel, the more difficult it is to pull ourselves up and out of this.

Our souls get weary and lose their way, and at times don't know which direction will lead them to a healing place. The tiredness can be overwhelming and if we cannot find a way to fight it, then exhaustion will ensue.

Just as we reach this tipping point, Mother Nature presents us with a perfect day, and pushes us to open the door and take a step outside. Looking out over the rolling water and soaking up the warm sunshine, she whispers in our ear to bless it, release it, and let it go. She knows instinctively what we need to take our thoughts in a new direction.

And so, I allow Mother Nature to speak to me and heal my soul. Her earthly elements seep deep within me and bestow upon me renewed energy to take me forward. She reminds me that I do not have to look very far to bring myself home again.


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