Who Do You Blame?

When our lot in life is not as we envisioned it's easy to find someone to blame for this. Circumstances in our lives sometimes play a role, but the biggest culprit is the economy. When the increase in the cost of living has outpaced the increase in wages, it's a recipe for disaster. What ensues is the finger pointing game.

Those with money and power will try to tell us who we need to blame for our financial troubles. Over and over they will spread hatred and fear to divide us along racial, economic and religious lines. "It's not your fault - it's theirs." The "theirs" that they refer to can be any number of racial or religious groups or immigrants in general. The ones at the top will tell you that these people are not like you; they are taking your jobs, committing crimes, trying to take over your country.

We have seen this in the past. Hitler blamed the Jewish people and foreigners for Germany's woes. Mussolini blamed foreigners, the markets, and the "elites", a word that was racially coded. Today's leaders once again are using the same scare tactics to control their citizens and turn them against one another.

The ones we need to "blame" for our decline are the wealthy people in power. They will tell us that the decisions they are making are for our benefit, but the only ones who benefit in the end are those with money. In the process the middle-class declines and the power of the wealthy expands. Initially it happens slowly as they gain a "following"; easy to draw people in when you give them someone to blame for their woes. As they increase the divide among people their power grows; eventually nobody is watching or aware of their loss of control over their own lives.

Things will not change or improve unless we open our eyes to what is happening. We need to understand how racism, sexism, anti-immigrant and anti-religious propaganda tools are used by the ruling class to the detriment of their fellow citizens.

The wealthy will not willingly give up their political power. We need to start taking back our power; finding a way to ensure everyone has the same opportunities for a good life. Having enough money to support our families, and safe communities to live in is something we should all be able to experience. The only way we will have this is to unite and stop blaming each other.

We must stop listening to the hate speech that is dividing us and giving the wealthy politicians more power. If we don't come together as fellow human beings to bring stability to our countries, then our quality of life will continue to decline and we will have no more power. Then we will only have ourselves to blame.


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