What Do You Do All Day?

Semi-retired is how I currently describe my life. Occasionally I pick up a temporary position to supplement my income, and recently completed a two month assignment. Although I will be looking for another temp position in the near future, I admit that it's nice to be unemployed for a while.

There are those who question what I do all day now that I'm not working; as if there is nothing to do. My response is that there are so many things on my list that I can't find time to complete them all.

First there are the daily household chores. The cat needs to be fed and his litter box cleaned out, the bed has to be made, and things need to be put in order. The meals have to be prepared, the kitchen cleaned up, and a decent lunch put together for him to take to work.

Then there are the weekly to do's which include making a menu and grocery list before shopping, topped off by carrying all the groceries in and putting them away. The weekly (or more recently bi-weekly) thorough cleaning of the house, and 2-3 loads of laundry just to name a few.

Finding time for the extra projects seems an impossible task. The closets that need to be reorganized, the basement in need of cleaning or all the pictures which should be sorted, put in albums, or discarded; these tasks have been on the list for a very long time.

While trying to address all of the above, there are the things I truly want to spend time doing - my passions. More quiet time for writing; to clear my mind of all the gathering thoughts. Time to travel the back roads and take pictures of the best Mother Nature puts before me. In the spring and summer months tending to the flower bed and vegetable garden; immersing myself into the earth, and appreciating the beauty that sprouts forth with the warmth of the sunshine.

And then there is the desire for more time to spend with family and good friends. There are never enough of these gatherings, and they are so very good for our soul.

So, when you ask "what do you do all day?', my reply is "far too much and not enough." The reality is there are so many things I want to do, that there will never be enough time to do them.


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