Prayer for a Better World

Looking back on my youth
brighter days are remembered.
Hopes and dreams seemed reachable
even in the midst of war and turmoil.
It's not that there were no obstacles,
but they did not appear insurmountable.

Progress took shape in many forms
as the years have passed by.
Each step made life better,
and yet so much more complicated.
Not all that has been put before us
has been good for humanity.
What appeared to bring us closer,
in fact has torn us apart.

The youth of today are faced with choices
that we could not imagine would come to be.
Expected to be adults too soon,
and having their childhood taken away.
Seeing the world being torn apart,
how can they hope to reach their dreams?

I worry for our grandchildren,
and their children yet to come.
What kind of world will greet them;
will it just be doom and gloom?
If this is what we leave them
then we have failed to protect all that is good.

Will we rise above the negativity
being spread far and wide?
Will we bond together to drive out
those who create the propaganda to divide us?
When will we stop being complacent
about all that is wrong in the world?

My prayer for a better world
starts with all of us opening our eyes.
Time to spread hope to all,
and allow them to dream once again.
Dream of a world where we can all unite,
and accept that we have differences,
but we are all the same.

We are humans with hopes and dreams.


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