Having Fun Even in the Rain

We all know that no matter what our summer plans are, we are at the mercy of the weather. It would be nice to think that we could control things and just tell Mother Nature "you can turn on the sunshine and warmth today - we are going to the beach". However, we all know that she will not listen for she has her own agenda that day.

We have had the pleasure of my grandson's company since Wednesday evening. He will be 15 in a few short days, and it's been fun observing how he has become an adult in some ways, but still a boy in others. So different from the small boy who has come each summer for a visit since he was only two. Although I miss the small boy, it is fun to be around the young man he has become.

We always try to fit in as much as possible in a few short days, so inevitably there will be some events that hit a snag with a rainy day (or two). Fortunately we had at least a couple of good days before the rain arrived.

One of the things on his list was to go back and do go kart rides with his Nanu. He beat him the last time they went so he wanted to prove it was not a fluke and he could beat him again. I'm not sure who has more fun on the track, but it's fun to watch as they maneuver for the lead. He is so serious in his pursuit, and Nanu all smiles. In the end he wins again and the good hearted banter ensues. Hard to tell at times who the teenager is.

Since yesterday was the only day we could all make the trip, we went to the beach. After weeks of 80-90 degree weather this was the day that dropped to 70 with rain in the forecast. We bravely set up our chairs and dipped our feet in the water, which was quite warm for the coast of NH. As we waited for my daughter, granddaughter, and her friends to arrive the rain came across the ocean to greet us. Standing with our backs to the wind, and wrapped in sweatshirts and towels, we stood the course to wait out the showers. The others arrived as the rain came to a stop (at least for a bit), and we decided to stay for a while. When we had reached the point where reality took over, we gathered up our things and headed home. There is only so much you can endure for a "good" time.

The boys wanted to see the new movie Meg about the mega shark, me not so much. I was not a big fan of the movie Jaws all those years ago so this was not on my list of things to do. You can only watch a shark killing people for a short time, unless you are a guy. So, after returning form the beach they took hot showers and off they went for a matinee. And I had a bit of quiet time.

Unfortunately there is still rain this morning, but with luck it will dry out and we will see the sun before the end of day. Guess this will be the ice cream sundae for lunch day. It isn't a trip to see Grammie without this event, and I'm not sure who enjoys it more. The kid in me would have ice cram every day.

His visit will end tomorrow evening when I have to return him to his mother. I know that in a year or two he will be working, and off doing things with friends and girlfriends. There will be no time for these longer adventures, but I hope that he will find time in his busy life for a visit once in a while. For now I will cherish these times and keep the memories with me to recall on a rainy day, knowing they will bring a smile to my face and warmth to my heart. I hope they will do the same for him.


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