Underneath It All We Are The Same

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die?" ~ William Shakespeare - The Merchant of Venice S trip away race, color, religion, politics, gender, etc., and underneath it all we are the same. We are human beings. We have the same needs, wants and desires. We want a good life for our families; a good community to live in; friends and neighbors we can trust. We want to be treated with dignity and respect, and to feel comfortable voicing an opinion, without the threat of being attacked by someone who happens to have a differing view. It is disheartening to look at human behavior in the world today. People feel that if they are unable to have what they want, or if others don’t agree with their views, then it gives them the right to say hateful things about them. Spreading hatred and fear to all who will listen because someone has a bit more than they do, or is not exactly in line with what they believe. All the...