Actions Speak Louder Than Words
generations parents have been telling their children, “do as I say and not as I
do”. We may think this is great advice, but we all know that it truly makes no
sense. We also know it doesn’t work because our children mimic our actions from
the time they are very young.
they are infants and see the smile on our face they will soon learn to smile in
response. As we talk to them they begin to pick up simple words, and then their
vocabulary increases as they listen to our voice. They will eventually start to
imitate our walk, facial expressions, and reactions to everyday situations. They
are little sponges taking in everything they see and hear.
the most part the things they learn are positive. However, they will also learn
the bad behavior very quickly. If we raise our voices in anger, then they will
too. If we stomp around, throw things, and have a tantrum when things don’t go
our way, then this is the behavior they will exhibit when they are frustrated.
If we use hateful language when talking about someone who is different than we
are, then they will learn to be hateful and intolerant. This negativity will spread
throughout their life, and they will bring it out into their communities – not a
good thing to share.
need to take the time to think about our language, actions, and how we respond
to others. We all have seen the behavior of many young children today which
shows the lessons they have learned from the adults in their life. I, for one,
am sometimes appalled at what I see in public. It’s time to start showing them
how to positively interact with society, and how to react to situations without
throwing a temper tantrum. All of these bad behaviors will separate them from their
peers. They need to know that kind thoughts and words, spoken softly, have a
greater and more positive impact in our world. You can disagree with others
without being hateful and loud.
our actions speak louder than our words. What message will you give to the
children of the world?
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