Your Dignity or Fifteen Minutes of Fame

With easy access to social media today, it seems everyone is looking for their fifteen minutes of fame. Whether it's making videos of themselves singing, or telling the world their life story, they are ultimately hoping it will go viral. And who knows? Maybe somebody will discover them and make them famous. Unfortunately most people don't realize what they are giving up to get there, or how they appear to the rest of the world.

If they are discovered by some producer or talent scout, chances are they will not be portrayed in the best light if they are offered a contract. The truth is none of it is reality and often exploits the individual, and their family and friends. Selling yourself out for fame is one thing, but I will never understand how they can exploit their children. What someone might see as an opportunity to be the next big star, or to "help" others through their life experiences, is actually another way for Hollywood to "entertain" and increase their ratings.

When I see the promos for these shows, I am almost embarrassed for the people in them. I often wonder if they are aware of how they are humiliating themselves, and if so, how it must be crushing their spirit. Are they so desperate for their fifteen minutes of fame that they are willing to sell their soul? All the while leaving themselves open to ridicule via social media outlets. And in the end when the voyeurs are tired of watching, the fame is gone and they are forgotten.

Growing up we were taught to have self-respect, and to present ourselves with grace and dignity. It seems that these are forgotten in the "look at me" world we are now living in. Perhaps that's why things are such a mess. Everyone wants to be the center of attention. Nobody wants to be the strong foundation that holds it all together. I, for one, prefer to keep my private life private. What goes on in my home stays there. The truth is, nobody really wants to know everything about your life.

Teach your children to respect themselves and to always carry themselves with dignity in public. Show the world the best they have to offer. Having a sense of pride is a good thing, and it never should be sold for fifteen minutes of fame.


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