Resolve To Be A Better Person As Another Year Begins

2017 - growing up I can't say that I ever thought about coming to the year 2017. For someone born in the 50's this seemed so very far away. And now here we are. A reminder of how many years have passed in my life.

If there is one thing I have come to realize over the years, it's that New Year's resolutions are very seldom kept. We all have good intentions, but most are not able to follow through. The main reason is because people are not ready to do whatever it is they have resolved to do. Success only comes if you are ready to stop or start whatever you have chosen to do.

We all would be better off if we just decided to live our lives in a more positive and healthy manner. Setting lofty goals has a way of setting us up for failure, which is not good for our spirit. If our spirit is knocked down then it is not good for those around us. It has a way of spreading negativity.

I no longer have New Year's resolutions. I choose to start each day throughout the year by being thankful for all the good things in my life. Especially on the days that may be a bit tougher I thank God for all I have. This simple act can turn things around.

I try to eat the right things and exercise to stay healthy. It may not happen every day, but as long as I wake up each morning and try again then I figure I am moving in the right direction. Eventually there are more healthy days than unhealthy, and that is success.

And most importantly, I try to be a kind and caring person. Reminding ourselves that everyone has a story we are unaware of can bring forth the compassion we should have for others. We never know what people are going through if we are not walking in their shoes. After all, we would want others to understand and treat us with kindness.

So, every day of the year we should resolve to be a better person. If everyone did this our families, communities and the world would reap the rewards.


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