Priorities or Spending Money Wisely

It's not easy today to find work that pays well, which makes it difficult to provide for your family. This is a sad but true fact, and my heart goes out to young families as they struggle every day. However, I also see that too many are not good at prioritizing, or distinguishing between a need and a want. All you have to do is look around and you can see how money is wasted on things that are not needed to live a good life. Driving to work in the morning I am surprised at two things; the expensive new vehicles people feel they need to have, and the number of vanity plates I see. These high priced vehicles strap people with a monthly payment that could feed a family of four. As far as the vanity plates, not only do you pay more for these, but I'm beginning to think people are having an identity crisis. I have never understood why you would want to label yourself, unless you are starved for attention. Grocery shopping is another area where too much money is spent. People a...