A Great Day and a Major Accomplishment

When I signed up to do the Dirty Girl 5K Mud Run in Killington, VT with my daughters, it was for two reasons. First to spend the day with my girls, and second to prove to myself that I could meet the challenge at 60+ years. It was so many months away at that time I didn't think much about it. I did increase my walking to prepare, but not much can prepare you for what's to come.

Then in a blink of an eye the day of the event arrived. I was a bit apprehensive as we headed to Killington Mountain, and even more so as we reached the mountain and the temperatures were in the 50's with wind blowing and light rain falling. We were all hoping for conditions to improve, but no such luck. I can tell you at this point between the weather and a view of some of the race/obstacle course, I began to question my sanity and my abilities. Even so, I knew that I had to follow-through not only for my girls and the team, but also for me. I needed to prove I still had it in me to do things I had not done in years (or ever).

I was amazed by the number of women participating in the event. Not sure of the total turnout, but there were hundreds who competed. They took off in groups starting at 9 a.m., and every 15 minutes another group began the course until the last one at 2 p.m. It really didn't matter where you finished as we were all there for a good cause. The money raised goes to breast cancer and ovarian cancer research.

The 3.1 mile run/walk/obstacle course took us up and down mountain trails; had us climbing walls, crawling through mud and water, going down mud slides and more. There were a few times I wasn't sure if I could get through when I approached something that had me higher in the air than I would like. I have a fear of heights, but with encouragement I managed to make it.

Our team name is "Keepin It Dirty", and they are an amazing group of women from the ages of 16 - 60+. Every one of them pushed themselves to the max throughout the course. Whenever someone struggled the team was there to help and encourage them. We started as a team and made sure we finished as a team. Other than a brief break in the rain we completed the course in wind, rain and cold temperatures, trying not to slip on muddy trails. With big smiles as we crossed the finish line.

This day will go down as one of the best days in my life:
1. For all the new friends I made on our team.
2. For the comradery of all the women participating and the positive energy surrounding us.
3. For proving to myself that I am not too old to conquer things I never thought I could.
4. And most of all for the amazing day I shared with my daughters!!

Who knows - perhaps Dirty Girl 2017 is a possibility??

If you want to challenge yourself check out Dirty Gril Mud Runs: http://godirtygirl.com/

Fun with my girls.




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