Computers - Then and Now

The first computer I worked with was a very large IBM that you had to load program cards into in order to enter your receivables or payables data. Since I was young and new to computers, the "designated" person had to load the cards and get the program running for me to enter the information. The bills were printed on large printers that used the continuous feed paper with pin holes, that had to be lined up for the paper to feed through properly. Inevitably the paper would jam, and it as even worse if you were running checks that jammed and the number sequence was messed up. At the time it was considered much more efficient than using a typewriter to do the billing and checks. I can recall back then being told that computers would eventually bring us to a paperless environment. Unfortunately it seems to have created more paper which eventually gets stored in boxes or tossed.

Those of us old enough remember programs that were time consuming and cumbersome to use. Working in DOS (most kids today wouldn't know what that is) which required you to enter a command prompt. If it wasn't entered exactly right, you wouldn't get into your program. Word processing then seemed like a great advancement since it eliminated the need for carbon paper for copies, and messy correction fluid. Today it would appear not much better than the typewriter.

Over the years I have seen computers and printers evolve from something that took up a whole room, to something lightweight and easy to take with you. The advancements have come at a fairly fast pace, and the capabilities today hardly seemed possible to most of us back then. Software programs began as something that was more on a technical level, to the user friendly software we have now. Advancements that not only are available for desktops, laptops and tablets, but also phones making it possible to work from anywhere.

Computers are an amazing technological invention. There are so many things we are introduced to now that were never accessible to us before. We have the ability to learn about any subject at lightening speed. Unfortunately we (and our children) are also exposed to things that we should not be. The bad always rides along behind the good, hoping to lure somebody in.

As much as I love my computer and the multitude of work I can accomplish with it, I know it can consume time that I could be out in the world living life. Computers then and now - a blessing and a curse. Use them wisely.



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