Simple Things

We all like having nice things. However, our definition of what these are changes over the years just as we do.

As a young child our needs are few - love, food, clothing and a toy or two. No worries and no need to have more. Happy with our small world.

Then the teenage years arrive with a whole new attitude about things. Exposed to so much more we have a desire for the latest and greatest, whether it's clothing, technology or eventually a car. Always wanting what your peers have, somehow feeling that is the only way you will feel like you fit in.

Then we move into adulthood, marriage, and raising children where we are involved in school, sports and family activities. Wanting to provide our children with the things they desire. Wanting to have a nice home with new things. Trying so hard to keep up with the neighbors as they say. Always feeling that what we provide or have is not quite enough.

The years fly by and then you are over 50, and your children are gown and on their own. This is when everything becomes so clear; when you know who you are, what's important, and what you want. Funny, but it isn't all the things you used to long for. It's the simple things like a sunny day in the flower bed or garden, time with family or good friends, a great meal, or quiet time alone to do something you love.

I try to impart this wisdom to my children, but just as I did not hear when my parents would tell me this, neither do they. We all have to learn this lesson on our own. I guess that is the only way we believe it.

Here's to the simple things - may you have time to enjoy them all.


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