Ready for the Next Chapter

As each day, week or month passes by, I become more and more ready for the next chapter in my life. Not that I want time to pass by quickly, but because I can see that next chapter just over the horizon.

There are so many phases in our life, and each one is precious. We go into them ready for whatever new and exciting things we will encounter. Most experiences are wonderful, but we also find times that test our strength and faith. Just when we begin to get restless another chapter opens up to us and we jump in willingly.

The childhood chapter is fun and comforting. We learn many new things, make new friends, and know our parents will take care of us. Being left out by others, and simple childhood injuries will occur, but for the most part it is a pleasant time in our life. Hard to imagine we would want to leave this, but there comes a time when we are ready to test the waters of the teen years.

Ahh yes, the teenage chapter. A time of trying desperately to fit in with your peers. Wanting to be liked and hoping to be a part of the "popular" group; being put down or made fun of at times if you're not. Teenagers, as we all know, can sometimes be so cruel. And there's falling in love and having your heart broken. As painful as some of these years can be, they still have some wonderful, fun moments. This chapter we usually are ready to make a departure from.

Next we dive into the adulthood chapter, arriving with everything we have learned so far, and thinking we must know it all by now. Then the shock and awe stage hits - this is where we realize that being an adult is not all we thought it would be. What is all this responsibility? It can be intimidating as we maneuver our way through every new experience from work, to marriage, to children and so much more. Now we are the ones who have to make sure our children are taken care of as they start their journey through the chapters.

Once we get our children to adulthood, we move into the empty nest chapter. This can be quite enjoyable as we embrace our new found sense of freedom. We may still worry about our children, but our time is our own to do as we choose. No need for babysitters or having to be home by a certain time. An occasional vacation to places we have dreamed of, and quiet dinners together without interruption. Moving into the stage of enjoying time with our grandchildren - lots of fun without the 24/7 worry. These are good years, but we are still working and free time is often hard to come by. Eventually we tire of the daily work grind, and yearn to arrive at retirement.

And this is where I have arrived - anxiously anticipating the retirement chapter. Ready to do all the things I have been putting off for one reason or another - usually a lack of time. Books to be read, stories to write, pictures to take. So many places for us to go, and friends and family to spend time with making memories. To live life in a much more relaxed state. So close I can almost touch it.

Here's to the retirement chapter - the best is yet to come!


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