Believe in Yourself

It saddens me that far too often I hear people put themselves down. Much of this self doubt is brought on by being put down by someone over and over. Eventually they begin to believe these things about themselves, and their self-esteem diminishes to the point of nonexistence.

Although it does happen to men, much of the time it's women who get the brunt of this negativity. Current or prior spouses and partners degrade them and call them every name they can think of - many of them vulgar. They are so miserable in their own life that the only way they can feel better is to make someone else feel bad. They blame these women for all of their faults and bad behaviors. "It's your fault I drink" or "It's your fault I do drugs" or It's your fault I lose my temper", and of course "If you didn't do (fill in the blank) then I wouldn't act this way". And they know exactly what effect all of this will have while they are doing it.

Whatever demons they are facing, they don't want to take responsibility for them. Far easier to blame someone else and make them feel as bad as they do. As the old saying goes; "misery loves company". And they will try to ensure you are as miserable as they are.

It may be easier said than done, but women need to stop allowing this behavior. Stop believing that they are not worthy of a more positive environment. Stop giving someone else control over how they feel about themselves. If they try to keep you down with negativity, then send positive thoughts back. In your mind accept that you cannot change them, but you can change your opinion of yourself and wish only positive for them. Staying in the positive will not allow them to bring you down.

Take back your power! Tell yourself every day what a wonderful person you are, and that you only deserve the best. Remember all the great qualities you have and how important you are to many people. It won't happen overnight, but in time you will once again believe in yourself. When that happens your self-esteem will rise, and you can become a positive force for those around you. Lead by example - perhaps it will change things one person at a time.


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