A Loss of Trust

It saddens me that we are living in a world where we feel we can no longer trust one another. There was a time when we had faith that the majority of people would do the right thing. We were not afraid of simple everyday interactions.

Unfortunately, we can no longer have that sense of feeling safe, and we are teaching our children to be cautious of any person or situation they come into contact with. Talk about robbing them of their innocence and childhood. Will we lead them to an isolated existence?

Years ago the phone would ring and you just answered it. No caller ID and no fear of who may be calling. Now you have to worry about someone trying to scam you out of your life savings. They will try everything from telling you a young relative is in trouble, the IRS is after you, or they want to save you from "somebody" trying to hack your computer. And they can be very convincing - that is how they can be successful at the scam.

If a stranger walked up to your door in the past, you opened the door to see who they were and what they needed. No more - we never know who it could be or if they mean to do harm. Too many transient people that we don't know, and sometimes we don't even know people in our own neighborhood well enough to open our door to them.

I feel bad that our children and grandchildren have not known a world where they felt safe, and open to interacting with the people around them. Where they could be allowed to go out and play without their parents panicking the first time they could not see them even for a split second. So much has been taken from them in this deceptive and suspicious environment.

There still are many people who are trustworthy and who do the right thing. It would be nice to have faith that mankind always had good intentions, and never would cause harm to others. To know that you were always in a safe environment with people who care for one another, would be the best gift we could give to the generations to come. 


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