We Don't Get a Do Over

Recently I was having a discussion with a new acquaintance regarding reaching the age of 60 (and beyond). She said what I have been thinking a lot lately; after 60 you become keenly aware of how much closer you are to the light at the end of the tunnel. Or as I say - I clearly see that I am closer to the end than the beginning or middle.

With this in mind I have been pondering what I would like to fit into my life that I have not had the opportunity to do so far. Of course I want to do as much as I can with my family and friends, but there are personal goals also. Some of these I am currently working on, such as my writing. This blog, and the children's books, have been an absolute joy for me. However, there are other things that I would not have considered earlier in life, but now feel compelled to do as a challenge to myself.

My daughters recently completed the Dirty Girl 5K Mud Run in Killington, VT. Although the obstacle course looks a bit difficult, I have told them that next year I am going to give it a try. How can it not be fun to spend a day getting dirty in the mud with my girls? I'm sure it will be a day we will never forget.

I love to dance, but over the years have not done so as much as I would have liked. We took ballroom dance lessons several years ago and had such fun - we need to go out more and put the lessons to use. I always thought that tap dancing would be great fun so perhaps a few lessons are on the horizon. Every girl loves the sound of those "click-clack" shoes on the floor.

I've experienced the beauty of several of the states, but hope to visit many more in my lifetime. Places still on the list are the Grand Canyon, the Grand Tetons, Niagara Falls, Hoover Dam, and so many more. I have never seen a Broadway play or even visited New York City, and there are many museums that would be a joy to see.

We traveled to England, Wales and Scotland many years ago and it was great fun. Some of the other places on the wish list are Italy, Paris, Spain, and Australia. Not sure how many will become a reality, but it is fun to have the dream. Of course time and money will determine much of this.

Lately I have seen so many people unhappy with their life. With this unhappiness comes negativity, which never brings you to a good place. What I want to tell them is this: Although there will be tough times in your life, don't let it define you or rule your world. Don't waste a moment being unhappy or regretting what you feel should have, or could have been. Enjoy every minute of each day with family and friends as much as possible, and push the negative out. Remember above all else - we don't get a  "do over" or second chance at life.


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