A Sport for Each Season and Championships

Like millions of other people I love watching sports. Football is my favorite and behind that baseball, basketball, then hockey. There are many others, but today I address the big four. Each one has its own season, and as one begins, the previous one should be coming to an end. Here we are at the end of October and the World Series has just ended. Baseball should have been done and over by the time football started in September. Hockey season has begun, and we are only half way through football season. And then there is basketball - which falls into both the fall and winter season. I know that these sports will overlap to some degree, but they each should have their own block of time, where they are not competing with one another for viewers. This would be a win for the sport and for the fans. Unfortunately much of it has to do with money for owners and players, and making more of it with longer seasons. Then there are t...