Reflecting on 2013 and Contemplating My Path for the New Year

We all have hopes and dreams which feed our imagination as we determine our path for the coming year. As we come to the end of 2013 I find myself reflecting on where I started, what I envisioned, and where the year has taken me. Like everyone else there have been some surprises and disappointments along the way. And where I am, is not necessarily what I had hoped for in terms of successes. That is not to say the year has been unsuccessful, but perhaps it is better to say some things did not get accomplished as intended. Not from lack of trying, but more from lack of finances to bring things to completion.

Although I have not yet been able to hire the illustrator for the three stories I wrote based on my grandchildren, I have high hopes of this coming to fruition in 2014. I was able to publish my first book with a selection of my favorite blogs from the fledgling year. This was one of my successes and gave me insight into what it takes to get a book ready for publication. Information and experience that will be helpful when I publish the children's books.

My business has been put on part-time status in order to take a position with some steady income.  I love being in charge of my own destiny, and have not given up on it, but know that much of it comes down to timing. I am optimistic as the economy improves so will my opportunities to bring my business to the forefront again. As I move forward in the coming year I will watch for those opportunities every day.

2013 has given me some wonderful times with family and friends. One great benefit of part-time work is having precious moments with those you love. Being able to have my children and grandchildren come to visit, spending time with lifelong friends, having the opportunity to help family, so many things that we never can do when working full-time. This time that I had the privilege of giving is one of the biggest successes I have had this year. I would not trade it for any amount of financial gain.

As I contemplate the new year I have hopes and dreams (some old and some new) that will feed my imagination as I determine my path for 2014. There are many successes I look forward to experiencing and know that when we come to this time of year again I will be reflecting on what has transpired. There will again be surprises and some disappointments, however in the end there will be far more successes when looking back. They may be different than I had imagined but I will know that they are exactly what they were supposed to be.


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