The Sights and Sounds of Nature

 Living on the lake offers the opportunity to watch wildlife not only on land, but also on the water. One could spend hours observing as they go about their business on sunny summer days. There is something peaceful about nature; it's as if their beauty and sounds are speaking to your soul.

In the backyard the trees are filled with a multitude of colorful birds flying from one place to another, all the while singing their songs or chattering about some hidden danger. Hummingbirds swoop down to take a long drink from the feeder and quickly dart back to their nests. Chipmunks scurry around checking out the garden for any treats of interest; in the end preferring the neighbor's berry bushes.

The front flower bed plays host to the honeybees and butterflies. These later days of summer they are in their glory with all the blossoms bursting with pollen. The bird bath is a busy gathering place for the birds as they quench their thirst or linger to splash in the water to cool off. It's so much fun watching them as they dip their wings and then flutter and shake to rid themselves of excess water.

On the lake mother ducks swim along with their growing ducklings following in a row behind her. As the summer days go by, they are growing quickly and will soon be as big as their mother; preparing for what will come as fall days approach. The Loons with their haunting call fill my head with music as they speak to one another in the early mornings and evenings. There is nothing more beautiful than this sound on the lake, and I cherish each moment that they serenade me.

Sitting very still on the dock you will find fish swimming below the surface. When the water is very still you can see rings where they have jumped up and then back down into the water. Loons and ducks dive deep under to search for a meal, and you search the water to see where they will resurface. It's always much further away than one would imagine, and I'm amazed at how long they can stay under.

The sounds of nature are beginning to change with each passing day reminding us of what will come. The late summer sounds are very different than early in the season. The thought of nature's creatures moving on and leaving a silence behind brings a sadness, a sadness for the loss of their gift.

For now, I will enjoy what time is left with these creatures that nature so generously provides; taking in every sight and sound until the last one fades into winter.



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