Another Decade

Soon I will face another year 'round the sun, where did all that time go? Seems like yesterday I celebrated this, perhaps it was only a dream. Each year time seems to pass more quickly, is this true or just an illusion? Spring turns to summer, then fall is here, with winter rushing quickly in. I look in the mirror and see changes, and know that decades have passed. But the image that greets me most often, is that young girl from so long ago. My mind sees things as it did years ago, but at times the body tells a different tale. They say that you are as young as you feel, which story will each new day bring? This year seven decades have come and gone, this reality boggles the mind. I know that just yesterday the big 30 arrived, how could 40 more have slipped by? Take each decade in stride, cherish the time, for each one passes by more quickly. It will do no good to lament and worry, for that will only steal all of your joy. There will be time enough in years to come, to look ...