What Have We Become?

As I watch the news each day, I become more and more dismayed by what I see. What continually goes through my mind is "what has happened to common decency? Has greed, jealousy and hatred replaced kindness, compassion and understanding?" It would be easy to turn away and try to stay secluded in our own little circle, but ignoring the problems will only drive us faster to an unacceptable end.

We all have ownership in some way to what has happened over time, either by contributing to it and perpetuating the issues, or by ignoring it. As if by ignoring it, we will eventually turn and see that the horrific events and behaviors have disappeared. A very naïve view of the world that we cannot afford to undertake. If we don't start treating one another with decency and respect, this will not be a world any of us want to live in.

I worry each day what kind of world my grandchildren will be left with. Will they have opportunities to become what they have dreamt of, or will they have to just survive? Will it be so far gone that they cannot provide a better future for their children? I am always praying that my concerns will be proven wrong; that good will triumph over bad.

There are two big questions to consider; are we too far gone to go back to a kinder and more accepting society where we can tolerate and even embrace our differences? Have we been jaded to the point of no return? We can continue on this path of destruction, or each of us can step up and change the course of what's to come. If we start with the children, and teach them that hatred, jealousy and greed are the destroyers, then perhaps there is a chance that their children will never be caught up in the negativity we are seeing today.

I refuse to believe that this can't be rectified. What we fail to remember is one very important thing - we are all in this together. The damage that has been done is not irreversible. We can either work together to improve the world for everyone or sit back and watch it be destroyed. Which side will you stand on?


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