More Precious and Priceless Each Year

 "Friends are kisses blown to us by angels...Author Unknown"

Over the years I have been blessed to meet some wonderful, amazing people that I am lucky to call my friends. It takes time for me to let someone in and share my life, so these precious people are lifelong friends. We have been fortunate over the last few months to spend time with a few of them.

It does not matter if we saw each other recently, or if it has been several months or a year, it always seems like it was just yesterday. There is no awkward silence, or any lull in the conversation, we seem to pick up right where we left off. Hours are spent bringing each other up to date on our families and how they have grown. Our children are no longer children, and our grandchildren are growing into adults. Where did the time go?

So much time filled with reminiscing of days long ago. Stories that bring much laughter, and sometimes a tear or two. Every one of them a precious memory we are fortunate to keep with us for a lifetime. Stories we can call to mind when we are separated by time and feel the absence of one another. Memories to fill the empty void when we feel lost or alone.

These special friends are not only a part of our life, but they have become an intricate part of our soul. When there is the loss of a very dear friend, it's as if we lose a part of who we are. And the truth is, we truly do, for life without them will not be the same. We will, however, keep them alive by sharing our memories of them.

These exceptional times do not happen often enough and always go by too quickly. As we age, we discover that this time with friends becomes more precious and priceless each year. We cherish every moment and hold them more closely, looking forward to the next time we meet. How blessed I am to have such soul connections in my life.

"A good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have." ― Irish Proverb
"A good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have." ― Irish Proverb


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