
Incivility: rude or unsociable speech or behavior; rudeness, discourteousness, disrespect, insolence, impertinence."

As the old saying goes: "What you put up with, you end up with." Or, in other words, what you tolerate becomes the cultural norm.

I am not sure if I am disappointed, disillusioned, discouraged, appalled, ashamed, or all of these when I look at what has become of our culture. I try to understand when and why society began to tolerate incivility and bad behavior as the norm. Either people are accepting of it, or they have become numb to it; whatever the reason, it is not behavior children, or anyone else, should be exposed to. How can we expect our children to behave in a civil manner if adults are acting like bullies.

There is no doubt when you observe what is taking place in society, that incivility is out of control. All those years ago when our government was formed, I am sure there was not a single person who could have imagined we would end up where we are. To quote Dr. Carolyn J. Lukensmeyer: "Our founding Fathers had a deep and abiding belief in self-governance: the idea that power ultimately resides in the voices and wisdom of the people." I have to believe our founding Fathers would be extremely disheartened to see what has become of their belief in self-governance.

According to the National Institute for Civil Discourse website:
  • 78% of Americans think incivility and political dysfunction prevent our nation from moving forward, and most don't know how they can help.
  • Congress is more polarized along ideological lines than it's ever been, and Americans say government is the country's top problem.
  • Congress is no longer a place where Freshmen can learn to build trust across the aisle, but many of our elected officials begin their careers in the State Legislature.
We did not get here overnight; it has taken decades, and EVERYONE needs to take some responsibility for their role in what has happened. Pointing the finger of blame at each other will not help, but only make the incivility deepen as time goes on.

People I know are frustrated and discouraged; worried about the future and what their children and grandchildren will be left with. It is extremely difficult to turn this huge ship around when politicians continue to spew divisive and hateful speech. Many days we feel like we are drowning in it.

I read where the State of Maine, with the National Institute for Civil Discourse, started a Maine Revives Civility project to encourage a "Time for Civility" approach during the campaign season. It is an effort to help voters of all ages, including those discouraged by the current political climate, to feel more empowered. We all know our vote is the most powerful thing we have to voice our opinion.

The National Institute for Civil Discourse is a nonpartisan center for advocacy, research and policy.
Their Vision:
NICD envisions elected officials who work collaboratively to tackle the big issues facing our country; a media that accurately informs and involves citizens; and a public that actively engages with its government - of the people, by the people, for the people. Joining forces, we can ensure that civility emerges once again as the glue that binds, repairs and strengthens our Democratic nation.
Their Mission:
The National Institute for Civil Discourse integrates research, practice and policy to support and engage:
  • Elected officials who are capable of working to solve big issues facing our country.
  • A public that demands civil discourse as well as government that works in the best interests of the country as a whole.
  • A media that informs citizens in a fair and responsible way.
Perhaps it is time for people to take a stand; get their community and state involved in a reviving civility project. We can no longer stand on the sidelines and hope for the best. It is through the efforts of the citizens that the negative forces will be defeated; our government no longer knows how, nor seems to have the desire, to give the power back to the people.

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