A Fond Farewell and A Warm Welcome

How could it be that this much time has passed.
Seems like only yesterday we greeted you with a smile,
our hearts filled with anticipation.
Wondering what you would bring with your new year.

We approached this new beginning filled with hope,
and dreams of what could be.
Things we want to accomplish, places we want to go,
and so many people we want to spend time with.

Early on the time goes at a leisurely pace,
giving us the illusion all is possible.
We meander through winter with ease
taking a breath and a break from all the holiday chaos.

With spring our thoughts turn to what is to come.
The winter snow starts to melt, and warmer days arrive.
Each day seems to go by a bit faster as we prepare 
to greet the summer days that follow.

The long, warm, lazy days of summer
slows the pace a bit once more.
Time for lying on the beach to soak up the sun, 
tending gardens, and the many 
cook-outs with family and friends.

Along comes fall signaling the end of summer,
and the beginning of the last part of the year.
We start to whisper, "don't go so fast",
for there is still so much to do.
Wondering how to make it slow down just for a while.

And here we are once again at the holidays,
that magical time of year.
We think to ourselves, "where did the time go"?
Was it not just a few days ago
that we welcomed you to our door?

In reflection we realize that in spite of some difficult days,
you provided so many more good ones.
Some of our dreams realized, places we were able to see,
and much time spent with family and friends.

With all of this in mind, we will wish a fond farewell to the outgoing year.
And with renewed anticipation, a warm welcome to the year ahead.


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