No Label Required

We all have hopes and dreams of a world where everyone is accepted for who they are; a world where we are one global community that will have no need to label one another.

As we go through life, people attach labels to us which reflect how others think about our identities, as well as how we think about ourselves. Although some of the labels are not negative and can reflect positive characteristics, often the labels that we use to describe each other are based on assumptions and stereotypes. Many of us have a tendency to apply labels to people whom we barely know or have never even met, and they do the same to us. Frequently these labels have caused more harm than good; rather than bringing us together, it has led to separation and prejudice.

For some reason humans have always felt the need to label others to describe them. Yes, we are a mix of many things, but do we need to use a person’s ethnicity, color, religion, or sexual orientation when describing them? We are all proud of who we are, where we come from and the accomplishments we have achieved. There is nothing wrong with being proud of our ancestry and heritage, and our achievements, but when we use them to label ourselves, we reinforce our differences. Labels do not unite, they create a larger divide between us. 

It is natural to want to maintain the cultural aspects of our ancestors. It is an integral part of who we are and should be celebrated. However, if we use it to define ourselves as being different from everyone else, they may rely on stereotypes about race and ethnicity to make assumptions. These types of assumptions have the power to make our interactions more difficult, or to offend others.

Everyone has the right to live the life that represents who they are and makes them happy. It may not be what works for us, but we do need to be able to understand and accept it. None of us should judge, nor should we ostracize anyone, because the life they live is different from ours. We all want to be accepted for who we are.

We need to ensure our children are educated to understand that in spite of our differences, we are all humans that should be living in harmony. As adults we have an obligation to set an example – to let them see us treating one another with dignity and respect. Acceptance and kindness will go a long way in teaching this lesson.

With our help, our children will create a global community where everyone is accepted. This will happen once we all realize that no labels are required.


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