A Hint of What's to Come

As I awaken each morning, I notice that the sun is rising just a few minutes sooner than the day before. Such a small thing that makes rising to start the day a little easier.

Although it has been a fairly mild winter here in the northeast, for those of us who are not fans of this season, winter always seems to last far too long. The short, dark days are difficult to get through, and the cold temperatures seem to sink into our bones and settle in.

For months we seem to force ourselves out of bed to move forward with the day. Many days it feels that we are just going through the motions until we can return home, take care of necessary chores, and once again snuggle under a blanket for the evening. During these long dark days this can be our saving grace of safety, warmth and security.

In the past few weeks we have begun to see signs of what lies ahead. The longer daylight hours that have recently appeared at the end of the day, have now begun to grace us in the early morning hours. It is amazing how much the light can lift the cloud of exhaustion we feel throughout the winter. Our energy level rises with the added light making us feel as if a weight is being lifted from our shoulders.

The bitter cold of winter is pretty much behind us and the temperatures bring a bit more warmth as each week passes by. Snow storms have not disappeared, however the snow does not stick around as long melting quickly with the sun much higher in the sky. Each drop of water that is returned to the earth will prepare the soil for the new growth to come.

The first day of spring is just a few short weeks away, and if we look around signs are starting to emerge. They may be very small right now, but as if by magic, we will awaken one day surrounded by Mother Nature’s spring time display. Early spring flowers will brighten our landscape and birds will once again be singing as they return from their winter nesting grounds.

Yes, we have a ways to go before we reach spring and warmer temperatures. The difference moving forward is we feel hope because the end is nearer each passing day. Before we know it winter will be a memory once again.

Until that time, we can look with optimism for the hints that foretell what is to come.


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