Remember Those Less Fortunate During This Holiday Season

As I look out at the lake this morning, there is a light layer of ice from the recent cold weather. This reminder of what is to come over the next few months brought to mind the many people who will not have the warmth of a home to protect them from the elements. 

Although we may not have the Christmas we want this year, most of us will have a warm house and a Christmas meal. With that in mind I am sharing a blog from two years ago; a reminder to do what we can to help those less fortunate during the holidays and beyond.

A Bitter Winter Day

-1 F with winds at 16 miles per hour making it feel like -24 F. I just came in from starting my vehicle in this frigid weather; I dread the trip back out to turn it off. However, if it doesn't run for a while today, it may not start tomorrow.

As I sit in this nice warm house, filled with all the comforts of a home, I realize how blessed I am. I will always be warm, have a good meal to eat, clothes on my back, and other luxuries to make my life easier. As much as I don't like going out in the cold to start my vehicle, at least I have one to take me to work or wherever else I need to go.

While I count my many blessings, I am very aware that there are many people who do not have these comforts. So many who are homeless and out in the cold. If they are lucky, they may find a warm bed and a meal at a shelter; otherwise they are left to suffer through the bitter cold. Struggling to find a spot sheltered from the harsh wind, or maybe even somewhere near a vent blowing heat to the outside. Anything to try and keep themselves from freezing, and praying they will make it through another day and night.

Those of us who have never had to face any of this truly have no idea what it is like. We can imagine; however our imagination will not come close to the reality. I cannot comprehend how they are able to get through these bitter cold days.

My dear friend, and author, Lee Woods wrote a blog titled "A Very Cold Night! Especially for the Homeless". It is so well written that you can almost feel the young woman's suffering. Follow this link to read her blog:

We need to do a better job of helping the homeless. We may think it's something that couldn't happen to us, or someone we love; the reality is we could all fall on hard times that could put us there. Something to think about.


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