A Bit of History on a Hot Summer Day
With activities limited, we
have done a lot of online research looking for things to do in our area. On our
state website I came across information regarding covered bridges in New
Hampshire. I knew we could not see all of them in one day, but this past
weekend we took the better part of Saturday to find as many as we could in the
Dartmouth-Mount Sunapee area.
We chose to drive over the
back roads to find these treasures, some hidden and others not. The country
roads meandered through dense lush trees, past hills overlooking mountains, and
up mountain roads. The views along the way were breathtaking and made us forget
about the everyday stresses of life. At times it made me wonder what life was
like before all these country roads were paved.
Below I have shared photos and
a bit of information on the bridges we did see on our journey. We attempted to see the Blow Me Down Bridge in Cornish, NH,
but this covered bridge never appeared. Unfortunately, the area the GPS
directed us to did not arrive at a covered bridge but did offer beautiful
countryside views.
There were several others in this
region that we did not have time to see: Keniston Bridge and Cilleyville/Bog
Bridge in Andover, Bement Bridge in Bradford, Wright's Bridge and Pier Bridge
in Newport, Edgell Bridge in Orford, Blacksmith Bridge in Cornish,
Prentiss/Drewsville Bridge in Langdon, and the McDermott/Cold River Bridge in
Hopefully, we will be able to plan another day to take in the ones we missed in the Dartmouth-Mount Sunapee area. At some point it would be great if we could take time to see all the covered bridges in New Hampshire.

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