Another Year

In a short time, another year will have passed, and all I can think of is how fast it has gone. When I started this blog in 2012, I could not imagine that I would still be writing it eight years later. I guess it has become a way to escape, and to share the joy, sadness, and thoughts on life and events that have occurred along the way.

When I look at my grandchildren, I am quickly reminded how many years have passed; it seems like only yesterday that they were young children, and now all but one has reached the tween & teen years. So many wonderful memories have been made along the way with many more to come. I hope that these memories will stay with them and bring a smile to their face as they grow into adults. 

There have been many wonderful vacations and I have seen things that I never thought I would. Some places have been closer to home than others, but all were wonderful adventures. The trips to England and Scotland, and later to Austria, Italy and Sicily opened my eyes to a part of the world filled with ancient history. I am forever grateful that I had the opportunity to see these amazing and beautiful historical sites.

There have been great times with family and friends where we enjoyed each other's company and laughed about things shared in the past. These connections are woven deeply into our souls and we could not imagine life without them; they are an integral part of who we are. There is no better comfort than what we receive from time with those we love.

There is also the sadness from losses endured over the years. Family members and good friends who were taken too soon; leaving those behind to grieve and find a way to move forward. They will forever be in our hearts, and memories of them will always remain.

Our world has gone through things that I could never have imagined as I was growing from a child to adulthood. Many times, I viewed these events as a step forward; something that would make the world a better place. The events over the last decade have not been so kind to us or the world we live in. Much of it has left me to worry and wonder what kind of world my grandchildren will inherit; certainly not the one I would like them to have.

None of us can predict what the year beyond this one will bring; the only certainty is we will be faced with things that are unexpected. When I reach the next milestone, I hope that me, my family, and friends have had a good year, and not had to endure too many hardships along the way. 

For now, as this upcoming birthday approaches, I will look back and count the many blessings in my life. Overall, it has been a pretty good year in spite of the chaos that has surrounded us. With faith and hope I will look optimistically to the future.


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