There's Always Tomorrow

How many times do we tell ourselves we will do something tomorrow? Probably most of us do it more often than we realize. Too many days we fill our lives with housework, yard work, errands, or other chores on our routine list. However, while we bury our heads in the to do list, we are letting life pass us by. The following words have flowed from our lips both consciously and subconsciously: I will go visit my mother, father, sister, or brother another day. I have no time to stop and play hide & seek or tag with my children. Next year I will take my grandchildren to see... (fill in the blank). I am too busy to take the day to go sit on the beach and soak up the sun. My spouse/significant other and I can have alone time next week or next month. When I have more time, I will call my friend to catch up on our lives. Maybe tomorrow I will have time to start that book I have wanted to read. This list could go on forever; funny how we can always find a reason (or excuse) as to why we canno...