
Showing posts from April, 2020

How We Define Beauty

Beauty  is  defined  as a combination of qualities present in a person  that pleases the senses. Many people interpret this as referring to only a   person ’s outward appearance, however, beauty is so much more than this. When we are young, we are attracted to someone based on their appearance. We tend to be more visual than cerebral as teenagers and young adults, and do not go beyond what we can see. Women with soft features, long flowing hair and a slender figure draw the attention of young men; while thick hair, rugged features and a muscular body on men will attract young women. As we age and become more mature, we begin to realize that there is much more to beauty than what is on the outside. Even if our initial reaction is based on how someone looks, we are more open to taking the time to get to know who they are on the inside. What makes a person beautiful has more to do with their character and personality. If someone is honest, kind, and compassio...

Give Me Peace

One would think, with the state of things in the world today, that peace, solitude and time to think would be easy to find. As we go down this path, we are discovering this is not true. If we watch the news or spend time on social media, we are bombarded by with everyone's "facts" and opinions. Our minds take it all in and try to sort out what is useful, and what we need to ignore to maintain our sanity. Unfortunately, even when we turn it all off it is difficult to stop the thoughts from swirling around in our brains. It would be a blessing if we could have an off button to alleviate the stress. Although some people are home alone and would enjoy having others around, the ones that have no solitary time are finding it exhausting. When there is always somebody else in the house we are left with no escape from constant noise. Even if we enjoy spending time with our loved ones, there is also a need for a bit of solitude. When I do have alone time these days I feel as ...