The Ripple Effect

Every choice we make puts into motion a chain of events. If choices are not carefully thought through, and all the possible consequences of these choices are not considered, the ripple effect of those reacting can be devastating.

Whether it's in personal relationships, the workplace, politics or the worldwide arena, everyone needs to take a step back and thoroughly think through the ramifications of the choices they make. When we are not proactive in making decisions, then our choices are reactive. These reactive decisions will almost 100% of the time be the wrong choice and set into motion events that were never intended.

We all have had times in our personal or work lives when we made a choice out of anger or frustration in haste. Given the opportunity I'm sure we would take them back if it were possible, since the resulting reaction was not what we truly wanted. Had we taken the time to think things through the outcome would have been more desirable.

When we start to look at the political and worldwide arena the choices made have a much larger ripple effect and greater ramifications to our society as a whole. The people who make these large scale decisions need to hold back, listen to those around them who have the knowledge and expertise, and weigh every possible outcome before surging ahead. Some key questions that should come into play are:
  • What will the impact be, and who will be impacted?
  • Will it resolve the issue in an amicable manner? 
  • Will the desired outcome be achieved?
  • Is the decision being made good for the majority of the people, or for a small segment of society?
  • If the same actions were taken against those making the decision what would their reaction be?
  • Will there be greater negative fallout from those reacting to the choice made?
  • When all is said and done, can the one making the decision look people in the eye and say they did what was in the best interest of the world?
We all have an obligation to try and do the right thing; not only for our families, but for our communities, our country and the world. What we may think is a small decision with little impact can have ramifications far beyond what we can immediately see.

World leaders, lawmakers, local government officials, and community members; the next time a decision needs to be made think long and hard. Remember these choices have an impact far beyond the four walls you sit in, and the ripple effect can either be devastating or it can spread positive change for all.


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