The Joy of Being Home

Rush, hurry, scurry and go; seems everyone is always going somewhere or doing something. Children today have grown up constantly on the go, so they are "bored" if they have to stay home. Parents wonder why their children can be difficult when they have contributed to their inability to be still.

I am not anti-social or a recluse; I enjoy gatherings with family and friends and traveling to new places is invigorating. Life would be dull and boring without these adventures. However, a constant diet of being on the go with no down time can leave us drained.

Whether we are doing household chores, playing games with our children, tackling a project that has been neglected, or just being lazy and reading a book, staying home for a day can bring great joy. If we are not bombarded with constant outside stimulation, we can allow ourselves to breathe and let go of the things that deplete us.

Forget what "needs" to be done and spend an afternoon going through old family pictures. The memories found in old, sometimes fading photos will bring smiles, laughter and even tears. Your children will cherish the stories to be told from their youth, and your soul will be warmed remembering precious moments from so long ago.

Children can benefit the most from time at home as their daily lives have their mind body in constant motion. Once they have adjusted to slowing down, they will find comfort and security in the quiet of home. In time, their behavior will become calmer as they learn the value of down time.

They say that home is the heart of the family; that everything that is wrong can be healed within the four walls that protect us. If we stop long enough, we will find that there is great comfort and security in spending time at home. When we allow our home to wrap its arms around us and calm our spirit, we will come to fully appreciate the joy of being home.


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